Saturday, May 11, 2013

Weekly Update #002 & #003

Going to write this so I don't put it off again.  There's some good & bad news, more bad than good.

Last week, wasn't anything to special.  Still on track 4th week, 4 lbs loss.  Problem was on legs days, I couldn't squat.  Felt like like I loss a lot strength.  Couldn't complete one set at any weight (besides warm-up) I was doing, just lost a lot of reps and the messed up thing is I was still sore the next few days.

Onto this week.  Back & biceps days, all exercises went up 5lbs, chest/tri/shoulder day went up 5lbs.  Fantastic!!  But I hurt myself...I'm sure I felt it but just continuted on anyways.  It was during the second exercise overhead press.  Last week, I had decided to use chalk again after not having used it for 5-6 months.  On ohp, I felt like I could really "feel" the bar and I was able to push harder and squeeze (before using chalk, I had already noticed I should have added 5lbs to the bar already).  So this week, chalked up again.  The first set things go as planned and then the second I felt a pull around my neck/back.  It didn't really hurt or anything and I continued the work-out as planned.  Went to shower, turned my neck and SNAP!  It's been hurting ever since and I'm still feeling it...Couldn't really do legs this week, I tried doing some leg curls and lying leg raises...garbage.  Work-out is planned for tomorrow but I don't think I wanna test myself and just take another week off.

Not doing a weigh-in this week as I've done no cardio, barely worked out and been doing nothing but playing a stupid video game all week.

1 comment:

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