
This page will have the most updated information regarding current progress/stats. Weight, body fat percentage, routines, supplementation, etc...The target is 170lbs, 13-14% bodyfat.
When I started out, I didn't have much 40lbs worth of weights, dumbbells, barbell and bench. Think my routine was like 3 sets of flat bench, 3 sets of curls and some push ups. Eventually it progressed to like 1-3 exercises per muscle for most of the upper body and throw in some cardio on the elliptical. Now it has evolved to this...

Stats as of March 18, 2012

Current Weight: 154lbs
Body fat not calculated yet, haven't gotten around to using the caliper yet
Sunday - Shoulders
military press (dumbbells) - 40lbs
upright rows - 65lbs
lateral raises - 20lbs
Dumbbell shrugs -35lbs
Bent over lateral raises - 20lbs
ab wheel core workout

Monday - Back/Bicep
deadlift - 195lbs
Pullups - 5 in a row
bent over rows 90lbs
one arm dumbbell rows - 45lbs
concentration curls - 25lbs
preach curls - 45lbs

Tuesday OFF

Wednesday - Chest/Tricep 
flat bench 135lbs
incline bench 100lbs
flat dumbell flys 25lbs
tricep extension 25lbs
tricep kickbacks 10lbs
ab wheel + core again

Thursday - Legs
Squats 115lbs
Leg extensions 85lbs
Lying Leg Curls 45lbs
Standing dumbbell calf raises 35lbs

Friday/Saturday - OFF

These are not one rep maxes or anything, it's pretty much the weight I'm pushing in the routine. The order that I've listed the exercises is the order that I do them in. I am no longer listing the reps done, just because all exercises are usually within the 6-12 rep range and it'll increase from week to week, or decrease from set to set. not going to micro-manage that. I'll just update when I move up in weight.


 I used to be a supplement whore when I began, I bought all kinds of nonsense believing that they were responsible for the progress I had made.  They help, but they aren't necessary, as long as you eat proper, you'll be fine.  All this stuff is extra if you can afford it or want to use it.  This is what I'm currently using though.

Whey protein
Omega 3 fish oil
Green tea extract