About Me

I've been a skinny person my whole life, it never really bothered me but I always wanted to put on some size. My issue was with the commitment and lack of motivation. I would work out for roughly 3 months and then something would happen (would fall sick, take a break or feel good about myself and would never start up again). Next thing you know, 3-6 months would pass and the cycle would repeat itself. This has gone on for years. I've had my bench and dumbbells for atleast 7+ years...

Over the past few years, it hasn't been good. I became accustomed to a "fast lifestyle". Everything I'd eat was pretty much from a store or a fast food restaurant. Breakfast - coffee and whatever from Tim Hortons, Lunch - pizza, snack - poutine, fried chicken, fried chicken burgers, pizza, big mac combo with 10 nuggets, whatever coupled with a large bag of chips and everything would be washed down with either an energy drink or a soda. Next up, alcohol and cigarettes. Those 2 items are a continuing struggle which I want to get away from, but I always get pulled back in. I really feel that I shouldn't be using them but somehow, it just happens anyways. Couldn't walk up a few sets of stairs without legs feeling tired or huffing and puffing at the end of it. Alcohol, I liked getting intoxicated and to sum it up, I drank way too much. Eventually, all those things took it's toll. Did I size up? Hell yeah! But not in a good way. While I still looked skinny, I had a belly (I looked like I was 4-5 months pregnant) and chubby cheeks. Example my shirt, upper part would fit fine, look down to the belly area and you'd see my gut trying to bust out, it was an awful sight to see. Next would be pants, I couldn't wear any jeans without sucking in the gut and then buttoning it.

For a while I didn't care, it was whatever, life, I was getting older it was natural progression. Then I thought about how I'd look 1 year down the road and then 5 years, it'd just continue to be a downward spiral. So I decided that there needed to be change and here we are now. What's so different this time? I have the determination to get it done and see it through. Something snapped in my head just told me there's no way it was going to work unless I dedicated the time and effort. It is an investment for your own future. As well, I have put a lot more money into it so there needs to be change :)

I've created this blog for a few reasons. #1 obviously is to chronicle my adventure. #2 is to share my knowledge and hopefully inspirate others to try and achieve their goals. Learn from my mistakes, advice, stupidity, randomness so the same doesn't happen to you.