Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No More Excuses!

Been lifting for a little over two years now and while I'm happy with progress I've made, I'm not satisfied with it.  Yesterday I got around to thinking about why my progress has been shit and moving forward, I will no longer be making excuses to work out less than my potential.

Many things come to mind.

1. Procrastination - I got all day to work-out (most of the time) but I always end up doing it around somewhere between 7-9pm because I don't feel like it or I'm tired or haven't eaten yet or whatever.

2. Warm-ups - always extremely lazy when it comes to doing stretches or a bit of cardio before a work-out because it took too much time (always tried to keep work-outs within a certain time frame), all I wanted to do was lift and now I have developed a shoulder issue.

3. Cardio - I hate cardio, especially stationary things like elliptical because you looking at the same scenery for however long you doing or looking at the timer and when you do it, time goes by so slow.  Also since I hate cardio, i always tend to avoid doing it when I know I could get atleast 1-2 sessions in a week.

4. Foam rolling - Again lazy with this because I always told myself I didn't need to, muscles would always be tense and tight and would just say it's part of working out.

5.  Not pushing myself - Not making any progress, no problem see what happens next week. never really push myself anymore to get the extra rep or add the 5lbs or run longer or hold the position for few more seconds or doing some accessory exercises after a work-out.  Working out just seems like a chore, like cleaning the house, just get it done for the sake of getting saying you did it.

6.  Diet - Everybody says diet is like 50% to achieving your goals.  While I knew it played an important part, I hated eating "clean" because the foods are just too boring.  Told myself that I would outwork a bad diet.  Look where it got me.

7.  Smoking - I've cut down significantly, normal day I'll have anywhere between 1-3 but there'll be times where I'll go on streaks for a few weeks and smoking like 10 a day and I can feel the impact it has on my lifting especially without doing any cardio.

and just the little things, like keeping track of stats.  Analysing how progress was going.  Looking up recipes, keeping equipment clean, making sure frig was stocked with things to eat.

Gotta get back to the stronglifts days where I was fiending for progress (and quite possibly where I made the most gains)!  No more making excuses to not do this or not to that.  It's time to get serious again.  Not sure if I'll be keeping this blog but I'll give it a shot.  Been back and forth about deleting it and deleted it a few times yesterday but I'll keep it for now.

Today is legs, so get hype!

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